Grow your green economy

Develop your local supply chain and decarbonise your business base to deliver net zero

Green Economy

Grow your green economy - our services for local authorities and city-regions

Across the county the impacts of climate change are already being felt with an increased risk of flooding, temperature rises and associated water shortages effecting their homes, businesses, wildlife, and green spaces. Local leaders across the country have declared climate change and biodiversity crises in their local area. Regions across the UK are on a trajectory to meet net zero emissions by at least 2050 to mitigate these impacts and secure a successful transition to a more sustainable and greener economy.

Green Economy works with local partners to deliver their transition to net zero, by analysing and developing the local green supply chain and providing support to businesses on their journey to net zero.

Growing your local green supply chain to deliver net zero

Green Economy in action

Our impact

“ Green Economy has played a key role in helping Greater Manchester grow the UK's second largest green technologies and services sector, behind only London and the South East.The team is uniquely placed to support these businesses, understanding the nuances of this vast and evolving sector, whilst also having specialist understanding of the challenges at play at a local level to develop support programmes that turn policy into a reality.”

Mark Atherton, Director of Environment, Greater Manchester Combined Authority

More than £11m in green sales brokered

£1.6bn market opportunities shared to our members

More than 500 businesses supported to grow

Explore our current support programmes

To speak to us about providing support for your local green economy submit an enquiry.